Sunday, January 5, 2020

Celebrating Pride With The Peloton Team

Celebrating Pride With The Peloton Team Below is an article originally written by PowerToFly Partner Peloton, and published on May 31, 2018. Go to Pelotons page on PowerToFly to see their open positions and learn more.TRAVIS What does Pride mean to you?Pride gives me the courage and confidence in myself and my tribe to continue to be proud of oneself. Its a moment out of 12 months a year that the LGBTQ community gets to come together and rejoice in the honor and pride we share as one.What do you wish people knew about Pride?That people knew that Pride is more than rainbows. There is a deep, rich and awe-inspiring history that has to lead us to where we are today and without those brave souls who stepped forward with passion, we as the LGBTQ community wouldnt be as accepted as it is today. There is still work to be done, just like anything else but there is a solid foundation to build upon.Whats your favorite Pride memory?My favorite moment has to be in 2016 when the Supreme Court voted to legalize Gay Marriage in the United States. Being in New York it was a celebratory and exuberant day and weekend shared with loved ones from around the world.How does Peloton support you in bringing your full self to work?Every day I get to walk into any Peloton studio or office with my head high and my chest proud that I can be completely me. Being accepted for my individuality is one the greatest blessings I receive daily. I am known for my fashion-forward style and to truly know that its okay to wear you and it feels so good.How are you celebrating Pride on the bike this month?Every time I hop on the Bike or Tread this month, I will be uniting with my fellow Peloton Members as we all work out towards a goal of feeling good mentally, physically and in spirit.What are you most proud of in your life?I am most proud of discovering and rediscovering my true raw being. Through my childhood a lot of burdens and roadblocks where presented in front of me and while I never knew where I would end up the next day I always knew deep within me that my dreams would become reality. Today, I can proudly say that they are coming to fruition from my co-creation.CHRISTINE What does Pride mean to you?Pride means speaking your truth even when its something scary, taking a deep breath and listening to your ntzlich because your gut always knows. Allow yourself to actually say whats true for you.How are you celebrating Pride this year?I am celebrating Pride this year by getting back on my bike to race another season, going to national championships, going to world championships, and hopefully this time goldHow are you celebrating Pride on the bike this month?I am celebrating Pride on the bike this month with a Pride ride, I cannot waitWhats your favorite Pride memory?My favorite Pride memory is when I took my daughter to the parade and it opened up all the possibility of people being able to express themselves and their absolute truth and be completely free. Her face lit up at the freedom of the dance and the costume, the joy, the fun and the play. That was one of my favorite memories.How does Peloton support you in bringing your full self to work?Peloton supports and encourages real-ness. We share our life, our stories, bringing our full selves to our riders every day. And I believe its that principle of authenticity that we all operate from, that fosters the strength of the community we have created here.What are you most proud of in your life?I am most proud of every moment I was scared to do something and did it anyway. I am most proud of speaking my truth. I am most proud of how this has affected my daughters perception of the world she lives in. She is growing up in a world where she sees that there are closets and that people are always in progress. They live inside and outside of those closets and that some closets have more than one door and that no one is to be judged.NICK LORENZIN I What does Pride mean to you?Pride to me is a full-blown celebration of self-love. You betta workWhat do you wish people knew about Pride?That any and all humans are welcome. The point is acceptance, equality and truly looking at others and appreciating them for their differences. The differences that make the world a beautiful place.Whats your favorite Pride memory?My first Pride in NYC 2012. It was overwhelming and really made me realize how incredible NYC was. Seeing thousands of people flock to the streets for the sole purpose of having a good time and spreading love and PRIDE.How does Peloton support you in bringing your full self to work?By creating such a warm, all-inclusive environment. Its the little things such as proudly and loudly taking a big part in Pride. Its the team meetings where equality and diversity are often main talking points. Its all of the progressive, lovely humans who set the tone each day here at HQ.How are you celebrating Pride on the bike this month?Im hoping to get into a class at the studio If I could be in a Jess King, Live DJ, Ride during PrideI think I would explode..or turn into a Unicornor both.What are you most proud of in your life?The beautiful people Ive encountered and am fortunate enough to call my family and friends.

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